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Research Publications

Welcome to the IITH Department of Mathematics research publications page, where you can explore the latest scholarly contributions from our faculty members and researchers. Our publications cover a wide range of topics in mathematics, spanning pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and interdisciplinary research areas. We take pride in the quality and significance of our research output, which reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in mathematical inquiry.

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  • 1. G Ramesh, Hyperinvariant subspaces for normaloid essential isometric operators, Volume 543(2), Part 2; Article No.128998, DOI 10.1016/j.jmaa.2024.128998
  • 2. Dogga Venku Naidu, Characterization of quasi-parabolic operators and their integral representation,Volume 10(1); Article No.21, DOI 10.1007/s43036-024-00409-7
  • 3. Jayaram Balasubramaniam, Appropriateness of distances in nearest neighbour classification: a monometric perspective,Volume 28(1); Artice No.7, DOI 10.1007/s10044-024-01373-x
  • 4. Manna Bhakti Bhusan, Existence and multiplicity of non-radial sign-changing solutions for a semilinear elliptic equation in hyperbolic space, DOI 10.1515/forum-2024-0356 (2025)


  • 1. Aguiló I.; Gupta V.K.; Jayaram B.; Massanet S.; Riera J.V.; Vemuri N.R. Generating methods of some classes of fuzzy implications obtained by unary functions and algebraic structures Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.484 no. (2024) pp:-
  • 2. Aiyappan S.; Griso G.; Orlik J. Homogenization of Helmholtz equation in a periodic layer to study Faraday cage-like shielding effects Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations vol.69 no.4 (2024) pp:607-625
  • 3. Amalore Nambi M.; Kumar N. Regularity of powers of d-sequence (parity) binomial edge ideals of unicycle graphs Communications in Algebra vol.52 no.6 (2024) pp:2598-2615
  • 4. Banerjee P. Variations on a theorem of Capelli International Journal of Number Theory vol.20 no.3 (2024) pp:893-913
  • 5. Banerjee P.; Kundu A. Factorization of composition of reciprocal polynomials with monomials Journal of Number Theory vol.256 no. (2024) pp:79-96
  • 5. Majumdar Arunabha, Kumar Neeraj, Kumar Rahul, Comprehensive benchmarking of CNN-based tumor segmentation methods using multimodal MRI data, Volume 178();Article No.108799, DOI 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.108799
  • 6. Das S.; Paul T. On property-(R1) and relative Chebyshev centers in Banach spaces-II Quaestiones Mathematicae vol.47 no.2 (2024) pp:461-476
  • 7. Debnath R.; Pradhan D.K.; Sarkar J. Pairs of inner projections and two applications Journal of Functional Analysis vol.286 no.2 (2024) pp:-
  • 7. Jayaram, Balasubramaniam,Distance functions from fuzzy logic connectives: A state-of-the-art survey,Volume 490();Article No.109040, DOI 10.1016/j.fss.2024.109040
  • 8. Krishnamurthy V.S.; Llewellyn Smith S.G. Steady translating hollow vortex pair in weakly compressible flow Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol.457 no. (2024) pp:-
  • 9. Kumar N.; Venugopal C. Rees algebra of maximal order Pfaffians and its diagonal subalgebras Communications in Algebra vol.52 no.4 (2024) pp:1374-1388
  • 10. Kumar R.; Naqvi S. Standby redundancy allocation for series and parallel systems Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol. no. (2024) pp:-
  • 11. Sastry Challa Subrahmanya, Magnetic Resonance Imaging via Weighted ℓ1-p Minimization,Volume:13102 LNCS,DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-12700-7_27
  • 11. Mahato I.; Rajesh Kannan M. Minimizers for the energy of eccentricity matrices of trees Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol. no. (2024) pp:-
  • 12. Massanet S.; Fernandez-Peralta R.; Baczyński M.; Jayaram B. On valuable and troubling practices in the research on classes of fuzzy implication functions Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.476 no. (2024) pp:-
  • 13. Mourya P.K.; Kumar G.; Narayana P.A.L. On viscous stratified Darcy-Forchheimer flow in a horizontal porous layer with thermal anisotropy and variable permeability Physics of Fluids vol.36 no.4 (2024) pp:-
  • 14. Nanavati K.; Gupta M.; Jayaram B. Fuzzy implications - A (dis)similarity perspective International Journal of Approximate Reasoning vol.168 no. (2024) pp:-
  • 15. Patra D.S. Certain paracontact metrics satisfying the critical point equation Communications in Mathematics vol.32 no.1 (2024) pp:1-11
  • 16. Patra D.S.; Mofarreh F.; Ali A. Geometry of almost contact metrics as almost ∗-Ricci solitons International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics vol.21 no.5 (2024) pp:-
  • 17. Patra D.S.; Rovenski V. Weak β-Kenmotsu Manifolds and η-Ricci Solitons Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics vol.440 no. (2024) pp:53-72
  • 18. Rao T.V.; Naqvi S. Comparisons of coherent systems with two types of heterogeneous components having proportional reversed hazard rates Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry vol.40 no.2 (2024) pp:483-511
  • 19. Rao T.V.; Naqvi S. Preservation of mean inactivity time ordering for coherent systems Advances in Applied Probability vol.56 no.2 (2024) pp:666-692
  • 20. Samanta A.; Rajesh Kannan M. Bounds and extremal graphs for the energy of complex unit gain graphs Linear Algebra and Its Applications vol. no. (2024) pp:-
  • 21. Sen R.; Roy S.; Narayana P.A.L.; Kairi R.R. Instability of Jeffrey Fluid Throughflow in a Porous Layer Induced by Heat Source and Soret Effect ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer vol.146 no.7 (2024) pp:-
  • 22. Singh A.; Jayaram B. Minkowski-type distances in approximate query searches Computational and Applied Mathematics vol.43 no.4 (2024) pp:-
  • 23. Sinha S.R.; Tripathi A. On Auslander's depth formula Journal of Algebra vol.642 no. (2024) pp:49-59
  • 24. Srujana B.; Verma D.; Naqvi S. Machine Learning vs. Survival Analysis Models: a study on right censored heart failure data Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation vol.53 no.4 (2024) pp:1899-1916


  • 1. Aiyappan S.; Cardone G.; Perugia C. Optimal control problem stated in a locally periodic rough domain: a homogenization study Applicable Analysis vol. no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 2. Ankush; Narayana P.A.L.; Sahu K.C. Mixed convection instability in a viscosity stratified flow in a vertical channel Physics of Fluids vol.35 no.6 (2023) pp:-.
  • 3. Bais S.R.; Naidu D.V. L -invariant and radial singular integral operators on the Fock space Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications vol.14 no.1 (2023) pp:-.
  • 4. Banerjee P. Covering systems with large moduli associated with reducible shifts of integer polynomials Acta Arithmetica vol.208 no.1 (2023) pp:83-100.
  • 5. Banerjee P. PRIME DIVISORS OF an − bn Integers vol.23 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 6. Bhatt (Mishra) D.; Naqvi S.; Gunasekaran A.; Dutta V. Prescriptive analytics applications in sustainable operations research: conceptual framework and future research challenges Annals of Operations Research vol. no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 7. Bhattacharyya A.; Patra D.S.; Tarafdar M. CERTAIN ALMOST KENMOTSU METRICS SATISFYING THE VACUUM STATIC EQUATION Publications de l'Institut Mathematique vol.113 no.127 (2023) pp:109-119.
  • 8. Dalal T.; Kumar N. NOTES ON ATKIN-LEHNER THEORY FOR DRINFELD MODULAR FORMS Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society vol.108 no.1 (2023) pp:50-68.
  • 9. Dalal T.; Kumar N. On congruences and linear relations for Drinfeld modular forms of level (Formula Presented), arbitrary type Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences vol.99 no.1 (2023) pp:13-18.
  • 10. Dalal T.; Kumar N. The structure of Drinfeld modular forms of level Γ0(T) and applications Journal of Algebra vol.619 no. (2023) pp:778-798.
  • 11. Datta M.; Johnsen T. Codes from symmetric polynomials Designs, Codes, and Cryptography vol.91 no.3 (2023) pp:747-761.
  • 12. Datta M.; Manna S. A generalization of Gerzon’s bound on spherical s-distance sets Periodica Mathematica Hungarica vol.87 no.1 (2023) pp:51-56.
  • 13. Deepika N.; Narayana P.A.L.; Hill A.A. The Nonlinear Stability Analysis of Double-Diffusive Convection with Viscous Dissipation Effect Transport in Porous Media vol.150 no.1 (2023) pp:215-227.
  • 14. Fernandez-Peralta R.; Massanet S.; Gupta M.; Nanavati K.; Jayaram B. Subgroup Discovery Through Sharp Transitions Using Implicative Type Rules IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems vol. no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 15. Gupta M.; Nanavati K.; Jayaram B. Monometrics on Lattice Betweenness Using Fuzzy Implications Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol.14069 LNCS no. (2023) pp:667-678.
  • 16. Gupta V.K.; Jayaram B. Clifford's order obtained from uninorms on bounded lattices Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.462 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 17. Gupta V.K.; Jayaram B. On the Pecking Order between Those of Mitsch and Clifford Mathematica Slovaca vol.73 no.3 (2023) pp:565-582.
  • 18. Krishnamurthy V.S.; Sakajo T. The N-vortex problem in a doubly periodic rectangular domain with constant background vorticity Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena vol.448 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 19. Kulkarni S.H.; Ramesh G. SPECTRAL REPRESENTATION OF ABSOLUTELY MINIMUM ATTAINING UNBOUNDED NORMAL OPERATORS Operators and Matrices vol.17 no.3 (2023) pp:653-654.
  • 20. Kumar N.; Sahoo S. On generation of the coefficient field of a primitive Hilbert modular form by a single Fourier coefficient Canadian Mathematical Bulletin vol.66 no.2 (2023) pp:587-598.
  • 21. Kumar N.; Sahoo S. On the solutions of xp + yp = 2rzp, xp + yp = z2 over totally real fields Acta Arithmetica vol. no. (2023) pp:1-17.
  • 22. Li Y.; Patra D.S.; Alluhaibi N.; Mofarreh F.; Ali A. Geometric classifications of k-almost Ricci solitons admitting paracontact metrices Open Mathematics vol.21 no.1 (2023) pp:-.
  • 23. Lindström S.; Wang L.; Feng H.; Majumdar A.; Huo S.; Macdonald J.; Harrison T.; Turman C.; Chen H.; Mancuso N.; Bammler T.; Gallinger S.; Gruber S.B.; Gunter M.J.; Le Marchand L.; Moreno V.; Offit K.; De Vivo I.; O'mara T.A.; Spurdle A.B.; Tomlinson I.; Fitzgerald R.; Gharahkhani P.; Gockel I.; Jankowski J.; Macgregor S.; Schumacher J.; Barnholtz-Sloan J.; Bondy M.L.; Houlston R.S.; Jenkins R.B.; Melin B.; Wrensch M.; Brennan P.; Christiani D.C.; Johansson M.; Mckay J.; Aldrich M.C.; Amos C.I.; Landi M.T.; Tardon A.; Bishop D.T.; Demenais F.; Goldstein A.M.; Iles M.M.; Kanetsky P.A.; Law M.H.; Amundadottir L.T.; Stolzenberg-Solomon R.; Wolpin B.M.; Klein A.; Petersen G.; Risch H.; Chanock S.J.; Purdue M.P.; Scelo G.; Pharoah P.; Kar S.; Hung R.J.; Pasaniuc B.; Kraft P. Genome-wide analyses characterize shared heritability among cancers and identify novel cancer susceptibility regions Journal of the National Cancer Institute vol.115 no.6 (2023) pp:712-732.
  • 24. Mahato I.; Gurusamy R.; Rajesh Kannan M.; Arockiaraj S. On the spectral radius and the energy of eccentricity matrices of graphs Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.71 no.1 (2023) pp:5-15.
  • 25. Mahato I.; Rajesh Kannan M. A note on the distance and distance signless Laplacian spectral radius of complements of trees Linear Algebra and Its Applications vol.675 no. (2023) pp:344-350.
  • 26. Mahato I.; Rajesh Kannan M. EXTREMAL PROBLEMS FOR THE ECCENTRICITY MATRICES OF COMPLEMENTS OF TREES Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra vol.39 no. (2023) pp:339-354.
  • 27. Majumdar A.; Pasaniuc B. A Bayesian method for estimating gene-level polygenicity under the framework of transcriptome-wide association study Statistics in Medicine vol.42 no.26 (2023) pp:4867-4885.
  • 28. Mandal S.; Jayaram B. BKS Fuzzy Inference Employing h-Implications Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics vol. no. (2023) pp:123-138.
  • 29. Mukherjee A.; Coad D.S.; Jana S. Covariate-adjusted response-adaptive designs for censored survival responses Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference vol.225 no. (2023) pp:219-242.
  • 30. Najiya K.Z.; Sastry C.S. Analysis of general weights in weighted ℓ1−2 minimization through applications Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal vol.133 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 31. Nanavati K.; Gupta M.; Jayaram B. A Study of Monometrics from Fuzzy Logic Connectives Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) vol.14069 LNCS no. (2023) pp:657-666.
  • 32. Nanavati K.; Gupta M.; Jayaram B. Pseudo-monometrics from fuzzy implications Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.466 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 33. Nanavati K.; Jayaram B. Order from non-associative operations Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.467 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 34. Patra D.S.; Rovenski V. On the rigidity of the Sasakian structure and characterization of cosymplectic manifolds Differential Geometry and its Application vol.90 no. (2023) pp:-.
  • 35. Rajesh Kannan M.; Pragada S. Signed spectral Turań type theorems Linear Algebra and Its Applications vol.663 no. (2023) pp:62-79.
  • 36. Ramesh G.; Osaka H.; Udagawa Y.; Yamazaki T. Stability of AN -Operators under Functional Calculus Analysis Mathematica vol.49 no.3 (2023) pp:825-839.
  • 37. Ramesh G.; Ranjan B.S.; Naidu D.V. On the C-polar decomposition of operators and applications Monatshefte fur Mathematik vol.202 no.3 (2023) pp:583-598.
  • 38. Ramesh G.; Sequeira S.S. Absolutely minimum attaining Toeplitz and absolutely normattaining Hankel operators Comptes Rendus Mathematique vol.361 no.G6 (2023) pp:973-977.
  • 39. Rao T.V.; Naqvi S. Quantifying Reliability in a Complex Safety-Critical System: A Copula and Distorted Distribution Approach 2023 7th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety, ICSRS 2023 vol. no. (2023) pp:159-163.
  • 40. Rovenski V.; Patra D.S. Characteristics of Sasakian Manifolds Admitting Almost ∗-Ricci Solitons Fractal and Fractional vol.7 no.2 (2023) pp:-.
  • 41. Sahoo A.K.; Manna B.B. Existence of sign-changing solutions to a Hamiltonian elliptic system in RN Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.517 no.2 (2023).
  • 42. Sonkar M.; Najiya K.Z.; Sastry C.S. Interior reconstruction in tomography via prior support constrained compressed sensing Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems vol.31 no.1 (2023) pp:77-90.
  • 43. Subrahmanyam P.V.; Vijesh V.A.; Jayaram B.; Veeraraghavan P. Preface Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics vol. no. (2023) pp:v-.
  • 44. Vemuri N.R.; Jayaram B.; Mesiar R. Generation of continuous T-norms through latticial operations Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.462 no. (2023) pp:-.


  • 1. Aiyappan S.; Cardone G.; Perugia C.; Prakash R. Homogenization of a nonlinear monotone problem in a locally periodic domain via unfolding method Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications vol.66 no. (2022) pp:-
  • 2. Aiyappan S.; Pettersson K. Homogenization of a Locally Periodic Oscillating Boundary Applied Mathematics and Optimization vol.86 no.2 (2022) pp:-
  • 3. Ali A.; Mofarreh F.; Patra D.S. Geometry of almost Ricci solitons on paracontact metric manifolds Quaestiones Mathematicae vol.45 no.8 (2022) pp:1167-1180
  • 4. Banerjee P. On an application of the abc-theorem for polynomials to the squarefree neighbour problem Acta Arithmetica vol.206 no.2 (2022) pp:189-195
  • 5. Banerjee P.; Bera R. Classifying families of orthogonal polynomials having Galois group the alternating group Journal of Number Theory vol.240 no. (2022) pp:31-49
  • 7. Daptari S.; Paul T. On Property- and Relative Chebyshev Centres in Banach Spaces Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization vol.43 no.4 (2022) pp:486-495
  • 8. Daptari S.; Paul T. Uniqueness of Hahn–Banach extensions and some of its variants Advances in Operator Theory vol.7 no.3 (2022) pp:-
  • 9. Daptari S.; Paul T.; Rao T.S.S.R.K. Stability of unique Hahn–Banach extensions and associated linear projections Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.70 no.21 (2022) pp:6067-6083
  • 10. Das J.; Beyaztas B.H.; Mac-Ocloo M.K.; Majumdar A.; Mandal A. Testing Equality of Multiple Population Means under Contaminated Normal Model Using the Density Power Divergence Entropy vol.24 no.9 (2022) pp:-
  • 11. Das P.; Sarifuddin; Rana J.; Kumar Mandal P. Unsteady solute dispersion in the presence of reversible and irreversible reactions Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences vol.478 no.2264 (2022) pp:-
  • 12. Deepak K.D.; Pradhan D.K.; Sarkar J. Partially isometric Toeplitz operators on the polydisc Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol.54 no.4 (2022) pp:1350-1362
  • 13. Dwivedi S.; Patra D.S. Some results on almost ⁎-Ricci-Bourguignon solitons Journal of Geometry and Physics vol.178 no. (2022) pp:-
  • 14. Ghosh A.; Patra D.S. On the m-quasi-Einstein almost contact manifolds Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen vol.101 no.45385 (2022) pp:477-490
  • 15. Gupta M.; Jayaram B. Fuzzy compatibility relations and pseudo-monometrics: Some correspondences Fuzzy Sets and Systems vol.451 no. (2022) pp:342-360
  • 16. Jana S.; Fu S.H.; Gelband H.; Brown P.; Jha P. Spatio-temporal modelling of malaria mortality in India from 2004 to 2013 from the Million Death Study Malaria Journal vol.21 no.1 (2022) pp:-
  • 17. Jana S.; Sutton M.; Mollayeva T.; Chan V.; Colantonio A.; Escobar M.D. Application of multiple testing procedures for identifying relevant comorbidities, from a large set, in traumatic brain injury for research applications utilizing big health-administrative data Frontiers in Big Data vol.5 no. (2022) pp:-
  • 18. Kalithasan N.; Gupta M.; Jayaram B. Making Fractional Distances work in the presence of White Noise - Motivation and Challenges ACM International Conference Proceeding Series vol. no. (2022) pp:294-295
  • 19. Kandiyal H.; Sastry C.S. Kernels for Incoherent Projection and Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Communications in Computer and Information Science vol.1567 CCIS no. (2022) pp:398-406
  • 20. Kannan M.R.; Pragada S. On the construction of cospectral graphs for the adjacency and the normalized Laplacian matrices Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.70 no.15 (2022) pp:3009-3030
  • 21. Kannan M.R.; Pragada S.; Wankhede H. On the construction of cospectral nonisomorphic bipartite graphs Discrete Mathematics vol.345 no.8 (2022) pp:-
  • 22. Krishnamurthy V.S. LIOUVILLE LINKS AND CHAINS ON THE PLANE AND ASSOCIATED STATIONARY POINT VORTEX EQUILIBRIA Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis vol.21 no.7 (2022) pp:2383-2397
  • 23. Mahato I.; Kannan M.R. Eccentricity energy change of complete multipartite graphs due to edge deletion Special Matrices vol.10 no.1 (2022) pp:193-202
  • 24. Mahato I.; Rajesh Kannan M. On the eccentricity matrices of trees: Inertia and spectral symmetry Discrete Mathematics vol.345 no.11 (2022) pp:-
  • 25. Majumdar A.; Ghosh S. Competing analytical strategies of combining associated SNPs for estimating genetic risks Journal of Genetics vol.101 no.1 (2022) pp:-
  • 26. Majumdar A.; Patel P.; Pasaniuc B.; Ophoff R.A. A summary-statistics-based approach to examine the role of serotonin transporter promoter tandem repeat polymorphism in psychiatric phenotypes European Journal of Human Genetics vol.30 no.5 (2022) pp:547-554
  • 27. Manna B.B.; Ruf B.; Sahoo A.K.; Srikanth P.N. Hopf reduction and orbit concentrating solutions for a class of superlinear elliptic equations Journal of Functional Analysis vol.282 no.12 (2022)
  • 28. Mehatari R.; Kannan M.R.; Samanta A. On the adjacency matrix of a complex unit gain graph Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.70 no.9 (2022) pp:1798-1813
  • 29. Najiya K.Z.; Sonkar M.; Sastry C.S. Local Recovery Bounds for Prior Support Constrained Compressed Sensing Mathematical Notes vol.111 no.45323 (2022) pp:93-102
  • 30. Nanavati K.; Gupta M.; Jayaram B. Monodistances from Fuzzy Implications Communications in Computer and Information Science vol.1601 CCIS no. (2022) pp:169-181
  • 31. Nanavati K.; Jayaram B. On the Order-Compatibility of Fuzzy Logic Connectives on the Generated Clifford Poset Communications in Computer and Information Science vol.1601 CCIS no. (2022) pp:714-725
  • 32. Naqvi S.; Chan P.S.; Mishra D.B. System signatures: A review and bibliometric analysis Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods vol.51 no.7 (2022) pp:1993-2008
  • 33. Naqvi S.; Ding W.; Zhao P. Stochastic comparison of parallel systems with Pareto components Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences vol.36 no.4 (2022) pp:950-962
  • 34. Patra D.S. Some characterizations of ρ-Einstein solitons on Sasakian manifolds Canadian Mathematical Bulletin vol. no. (2022) pp:-
  • 35. Patra D.S.; Ali A.; Mofarreh F. Characterizations of Ricci–Bourguignon Almost Solitons on Pseudo-Riemannian Manifolds Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics vol.19 no.4 (2022) pp:-
  • 36. Ramesh G.; Osaka H. On operators which attain their norm on every reducing subspace Annals of Functional Analysis vol.13 no.2 (2022) pp:-
  • 37. Ramesh G.; Ranjan B.S.; Naidu D.V. Cyclic Composition operators on Segal-Bargmann space Concrete Operators vol.9 no.1 (2022) pp:127-138
  • 38. Ramesh G.; Ranjan B.S.; Naidu D.V. Cyclic Composition operators on Segal-Bargmann space Concrete Operators vol.9 no.1 (2022) pp:127-138
  • 39. Ramesh G.; Sequeira S.S. Absolutely norm attaining Toeplitz and absolutely minimum attaining Hankel operators Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications vol.516 no.1 (2022) pp:-
  • 40. Ramesh G.; Sequeira S.S. On the closure of absolutely norm attaining operators Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.71 no.18 (2022) pp:2894-2914
  • 41. Ramesh G.; Sudip Ranjan B.; Venku Naidu D. A representation of compact C-normal operators Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol. no. (2022) pp:-
  • 42. Ramesh G.; Sudip Ranjan B.; Venku Naidu D. Cartesian decomposition of C-normal operators Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.70 no.21 (2022) pp:6640-6647
  • 43. Ravindra G.V.; Tripathi A. On the base case of a conjecture on ACM bundles over hypersurfaces Geometriae Dedicata vol.216 no.5 (2022) pp:-
  • 44. Sakajo T.; Krishnamurthy V.S. Quantized point vortex equilibria in a one-way interaction model with a Liouville-type background vorticity on a curved torus Journal of Mathematical Physics vol.63 no.6 (2022) pp:-
  • 45. Samanta A.; Kannan M.R. Gain distance matrices for complex unit gain graphs Discrete Mathematics vol.345 no.1 (2022) pp:-
  • 46. Sebastian R.; Tripathi A. Rank 2 Ulrich bundles on general double plane covers Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra vol.226 no.2 (2022) pp:-
  • 47. Sonkar M.; Sasmal P.; Theeda P.; Sastry C.S. Sparsity-driven deterministic sampling strategy for coded aperture x-ray computed tomography Measurement Science and Technology vol.33 no.3 (2022) pp:-


  • 1. Atik F.; Kannan M.R.; Bapat R.B. On distance and Laplacian matrices of trees with matrix weights Linear and Multilinear Algebra vol.69 no.14 (2021) pp:2607-2619
  • 2. Bais S.R.; Venku Naidu D. Study of twisted bargmann transform via bargmann transform Forum Mathematicum vol.33 no.6 (2021) pp:1659-1670
  • 3. Bala N.; Ramesh G. A bishop–phelps–bollobÁs type property for minimum attaining operators Operators and Matrices vol.15 no.2 (2021) pp:497-513
  • 4. Bala N.; Ramesh G. A representation of hyponormal absolutely norm attaining operators Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques vol.171 no. (2021) pp:-
  • 5. Banerjee P.; Bera R. Corrigendum to “On a generalization of a conjecture of Grosswald” [J. Number Theory 216 (2020) 216–241] (Journal of Number Theory (2020) 216 (216–241), (S0022314X2030072X), (10.1016/j.jnt.2020.02.013)) Journal of Number Theory vol.222 no. (2021) pp:426-428
  • 6. Basunia M.; Mahato I.; Kannan M.R. On the Aα -Spectra of Some Join Graphs Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society vol.44 no.6 (2021) pp:4269-4297
  • 7. Beelen P.; Datta M.; Homma M. A proof of sørensen’s conjecture on hermitian surfaces Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society vol.149 no.4 (2021) pp:1431-1441
  • 8. Chen H.; Majumdar A.; Wang L.; Kar S.; Brown K.M.; Feng H.; Turman C.; Dennis J.; Easton D.; Michailidou K.; Simard J.; Bishop T.; Cheng I.C.; Huyghe J.R.; Schmit S.L.; O'Mara T.A.; Spurdle A.B.; Gharahkhani P.; Schumacher J.; Jankowski J.; Gockel I.; Bondy M.L.; Houlston R.S.; Jenkins R.B.; Melin B.; Lesseur C.; Ness A.R.; Diergaarde B.; Olshan A.F.; Amos C.I.; Christiani D.C.; Landi M.T.; McKay J.D.; Brossard M.; Iles M.M.; Law M.H.; MacGregor S.; Beesley J.; Jones M.R.; Tyrer J.; Winham S.J.; Klein A.P.; Petersen G.; Li D.; Wolpin B.M.; Eeles R.A.; Haiman C.A.; Kote-Jarai Z.; Schumacher F.R.; Brennan P.; Chanock S.J.; Gaborieau V.; Purdue M.P.; Pharoah P.; Hung R.J.; Amundadottir L.T.; Kraft P.; Pasaniuc B.; Lindström S. Large-scale cross-cancer fine-mapping of the 5p15.33 region reveals multiple independent signals Human Genetics and Genomics Advances vol.2 no.3 (2021) pp:-
  • 9. Choudhury P.N.; Kannan M.R. Interval hulls of N-matrices and almost P-matrices Linear Algebra and Its Applications vol.617 no. (2021) pp:27-38
  • 10. Choudhury P.N.; Kannan M.R.; Khare A. Sign non-reversal property for totally non-negative and totally positive matrices, and testing total positivity of their interval hull Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol.53 no.4 (2021) pp:981-990
  • 11. Crowdy D.G.; Nelson R.B.; Krishnamurthy V.S. 'H-states': Exact solutions for a rotating hollow vortex Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol.913 no. (2021) pp:-
  • 12. Dalal T.; Kumar N. On mod p congruences for Drinfeld modular forms of level pm Journal of Number Theory vol.228 no. (2021) pp:253-275
  • 13. Das P.; Sarifuddin; Rana J.; Mandal P.K. Solute dispersion in transient Casson fluid flow through stenotic tube with exchange between phases Physics of Fluids vol.33 no.6 (2021) pp:-
  • 14. Das S.; Pradhan D.K.; Sarkar J. Submodules in Polydomains and Noncommutative Varieties Integral Equations and Operator Theory vol.93 no.3 (2021) pp:-
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  • 1. B. S. Chandra, C. S. Sastry, L. Anumandla and S. Jana , Dictionary-based monitoring of premature ventricular contractions: An ultra-low-cost point-of-care service , Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2018, Accepted.
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